Plus a wealth of statistics including most popular day for a ride and average ride times

Strava reveals average British cycle commute length

The Great British cycle commuter rides an average of 9.8m (15.9km) according to the latest set of statistics from Strava. An average 171,576 commuter rides were recorded by Strava per week.

The data, covering 2015, compiled data from an impressive 115,788,472 rides in the year (the equivalent of 5.3 activites uploaded a second). In the UK, 23,126,613 rides were uploaded last year.

Tuesday June 30th was the year’s most popular day for a ride in the UK, with the mid-week date seeing a roasting 32.5 degrees centigrade high. Globally, Sunday June 7th was the most popular day for cycling in 2015.

Strava collects gender data too and revealed that that the average ride for men and women was broadly similar, men at 41km and women at 34km. The average ride time saw women in the saddle for longer (at 2hrs, 4mins) than men (at (1hr, 59mins). So yes, men were slightly quicker – at 24.3 km/h compared to 19.8km/h for an individual ride.

In news that will suprise absolutely no one, London was the most active location with 3,551,322 rides logged – streets ahead of nearest rival West Yorkshire, which saw 795,836. That statistic probably says as much about the relative populations and engagement with Strava as anything else.

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