Today, at a meeting at Starley House, the BA PR committee meet to discuss what to do with the bicycle levy

A bevy of ideas for the levy

As sure as eggs is eggs, Sustrans will not get the full benefit of the levy in future years. If the levy is continued, as is likely, it will be split between Sustrans and other causes.

What these other causes could be will be expanded upon today by three outside consultancies.

As well as a general PR and marketing campaign there might be the mooting of a new umbrella organisation for the bike trade. This Bicycle Council would be made up of all the many cycle organisations and bodies CTC, London Cycling Campaign, Sustrans, CPAG, all the local advocacy groups, BCF etc and would make for a single lobbying force.

However, as CPAG the Cyclists Public Affairs Group, a BA sponsored lobbying group with good links to the Parlianmentary All Party Group on Cycling is already the trades chief political lobby organsation, the Bicycle Council would have a wider remit, including promotions.

The three outside consultancies at todays meeting are communications specialists. They are:

Kerry Evans

Barclay Stratton

Amanda Barry PR

Present at todays meeting are:

Grant Allen of Giant

Patrick Barker of Madison

John Spon-Smith of Raleigh

Nick Fish of Trek

John Carrington-Beard of the BA

Ms B. Cadd of Halfords

David Wilsher, president of the ACT

A follow-up meeting will be held on the first day of the National Cycling Festival 2000 where the members of the PR committee will be given a presentation by Sustrans.

Incidentally…Amanda Barry PR is the consultancy appointed by the BAs John Carrington-Beard to run the PR campaign for the National Cycling Festival 2000. Carrington-Beard spends 90 percent of his time on the show and his efforts and those of Amanda Barry PR and the show organisers have to deliver at least 20 000 paying visitors to the York show to make it a success.

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