And click within to see the toilet that got the BikeBiz Loo of the Year award, and a photo of a Sumo champion and a curling gold medallist

American sets fire to Scottish IBD at Madison awards bash


A Madison high-up has admitted he taught the Finish Line boys the Sambucca party trick. Up for it is IBD Les Simpson of Aberdeen Cycle World. Lighting Les was Walter Ejnes, the international sales director for Finish Line of the US.


Madison wants to excel at everything, even toilets. The classy, billowing marquee that housed the Madision awards evening had a Portaloo with ideas above its station. The Classical ‘luxury mobile toilet’ is available for weddings and bar mitvas: as NOT seen at all MTB events. Rent your own from Classical Toilet Hire of Bury St Edmunds, tel: 01359 221 677.


"Gijja a hug," says the curling gold medallist to the Sumo champion. Any resemblance to Madison’s Alan Hewitt and Madison consultant Peter Harrison is purely coincidental.

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