AA's Think Bike campaign has become one of the sponsors of the major new documentary on cycling in the UK.

Bicycle film gets motor org sponsor: the AA

The AA has become a "with the support of " sponsor for Bicycle, the new feature-length documentary about cycling, and will publicise the film to a large audience.

Edmund King, AA president, said: "The AA has been involved with the bicycle since 1905 when our first patrols used bicycles, and today we campaign for cycle safety with our award-winning Think Bikes sticker campaign. The Bicycle film brings the history of cycling to life and is fully supported by the Automobile Association as the bike has played a crucial part in our history and the history of transport in the UK."

Other sponsors for the documentary include Trek, Madison and the Bicycle Association.

The film is being produced by award-winning documentary makers Blue Hippo Media, which has raised 90 percent of the funding, some of it through crowd-funding.

"We picture lock in two weeks," said producer Pip Piper, "and so after that sponsorship will not be possible as logos will not be able to go into the film. We are down to last remaining sponsorship slots."



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