Dubya loves his bike so much he even brought it with him to the G8 summit in Scotland. But while cycling at "pretty good speed" on the closed roads of the Gleneagles resort, the bicycling President clanged into a patrol officer also on a bike.

Bush and his bike bounce into cycle cop at G8

President George Bush may soon be in need of another donation from Trek. His MTB careered along the ground yet again last night, a repeat of the crash Bush befell on his Texas ranch in May last year.

Bush slipped on a wet road, and rode into what many UK tabloids are this morning calling a "bicycling bobby".

Bush scraped his hands and arm but he was later able to attend a dinner at the Gleneagles hotel hosted by the Queen.

A White House spokesman said: “The President collided with a police officer 45 minutes into his ride.”

This morning the President made light of his crash and demonstrated that he’s watching coverage of the Tour de France:

"We were flying,” Bush told reporters at the Scottish golf resort.

"When you ride hard on a mountain bike, sometimes you fall, otherwise you’re not riding hard.

"At the end of a good hour ride, the pavement was slick and the bike came out from underneath me, just like that person on the Tour de France the other day.’

"For those of you who like to mountain bike, I would strongly suggest getting out in this beautiful countryside. It’s a spectacular part of the world… just be careful on the finish line."

The bike cop had ankle injuries and mild concussion.

No word yet on the state of the Presiden’t Trek Fuel.

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