Industry directory now online with company details dug out in seconds via handy search bar

BikeBiz Bible 2012 now readable online

The 2012 BikeBiz Bible is now readable online, via Issuu, bringing together the details of the entire UK bicycle business in one location.

Compiling over 2,700 businesses, through retail, distribution, manufacturing, associations, services and more, the directory also carries columns from industry advocates, sales trainers, online experts and the NACT.

The directory also covers a ‘brand index’ of the nation’s top distributors, which begins on page 335. This is followed by a profile on Saltash distribution company Silverfish on page 345 and an industry events listing for the next 12 months.

Print copies are still available at £25. If you’d like one of these, contact

To have a flick through, or bookmark to the page, click here.

Columnists within the directory include: Brant Richards, Phillip Darnton, Steve Fenton, the NACT, Colin Rees and Anthony McCrossan. You’ll also find moving annual total statistics for bike imports to the UK for the year to May 2011.

If your details require an amendment, or you require a fresh addition to the online Bible, as well as next year’s print edition, please email Updates will be applied periodically.

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