Bike-sharing scheme to utilise pedal power and pay cyclists for the pleasure

Design student designs bicycle to power the buses

Royal College of Art student, Chiyu Chen has come up with a bicycle hire/share program that utlises the kinetic energy generated from braking and then stores that power when returned to the lock up.

Chen envisions that once locked back up, the returned energy could then go on to power things like hybrid buses.

What’s more, the design student effectively wants to pay the cyclist for their efforts, granting those who cycle enough a free bus pass.

ID cards will be in place for bicycle check outs, limiting the likelyhood of theft, while monitoring each riders input accurately.

The locking stations would be situated near bus stations for convenience.

Sadly though, for now the idea is just a concept.

A video demonstration can be seen here, on YouTube.

More on the student’s vision can be read here.

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