The Segway gyroscope-and-computer controlled super-scooter - the machine that's gonna do away with the out-of-date, dangerous bicycle as THE mode of intra-urban transport - is pretty much a parody of itself but the current edition of The New Yorker magazine can't resist linking the 17-mph upright vacuum with Usama Bin Laden and chums...

Do the Sheikh and Vac

Thanks to Ben Cooper of Kinetics for informing of the existence of The New Yorker cover and to Brant Richards for emailing the cover image.

The headline above just goes to prove that BicycleBusiness is willing to lampoon any world religion (a challenge thrown down to us by a recent contributor to the bulletin board). Anybody know any jokes about Bahai’s?


4th December – Is Segway the Sinclair C5 of its generation?…/article.php?id=1814

The Segway Human Transporter – a hi-tech scooter – was unveiled to a waiting world on Monday. "Is that it?" asked one of the presenters of ABC TV’s Good Morning America. The disappointment could be cut with a knife. Why? Because this invention is the one hyped since January as "bigger than the internet". Long before its unveiling, Apple’s Steve Jobs was reported to have said cities of the future would be redesigned around this contraption, now seen to be of possible value to porky US postal workers but too dorky for everyone else…

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