Arc Marketing (UK) Limited has taken on the UK agency for Bobike child seats from the Netherlands. These are widely used in this cycle-friendly country and come in front and rear versions

Going Dutch (UPDATED)

I bought two Bobike Minis last week when I was in Amsterdam, thinking you cant get such products in the UK (previous importer DuPaal is on perpetual unanswered ansaphone).

Then, today, Andy Easterbrook of Arc Marketing (which distributes a plethora of practical European carrying products for bicycles) emails us with the news of the distribution deal. I could saved all that effort at getting two childseats in and out of an aircraft overhead locker!

Bobike childseats are TUV approved and feature a three point safety harness. The rear seat has a 25kg weight maximum (£54.99) and the front seat can accomodate tots from 9 months to 3 years (£46.99).

A full set of spares are available, says Easterbrook.

Last week I brought back spare attaching brackets and a very Dutch front windshield for the Bobike mini which protects the child and rider from bugs and stuff.

Having failed at fitting the Bobike minis on my tandem my wife and I are small and have very short top-tubes I then tried standard mountain bikes. They fit but only just. If youre going to stock these front seats, the customers will have to either have Dutch-style roadsters or mountain bikes with plenty of reach.


Two thirds of the Reid menagerie try out the Bobike Mini and Maxi

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