Yellow Pages or a series of local newspaper classified ads? Cheap local radio or sponsoring an MTB squad? What's best for your business? A new website takes you by the hand and leads you through the advertising-for-small-businesses maze

How to get ahead in advertising is a monthly-updated information source for those seeking advertising enlightenment. It1s impartial. It1s free. And quick to read.

Whether you’re seeking to find the right way of negotiating a deal with MBUK, or want to spice up your direct mail, The Megaphone, contains useful nuggets of information that will help.

Set up by Leon Reis, a former newspaper editor and BBC journalist, the site currently has articles on securing sponsorship on a shoestring, and a piece by bike-friendly Steve Norris (the former government minister responsible for setting up the National Cycling Strategy) on the problems that small companies face in trying to find the right advertising opportunties. There’s also an interview with Julian Richer of Richer Sounds: one of his hi-fi shops is still in the Guiness Book of Records as having the highest grossing square metre of retail space in the world!

Other features include a downloadable media schedule to help you plan your advertising to get the best deals, and a competition to win an advertising makeover.

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