This week you have been mostly reading...

Most read stories on this week

1. Only good cyclist is a dead cyclist, says editor of luxury mag

2. Iceland is riding high

3. Eurobike 2012 galleries now online

4. Will new Transport Secretary OK shovel-ready cycle infrastructure?

5. Moore’s Cycles: ‘We won’t advertise in Richmond while Nye is editor

6. Eurobike 2012: Trends – who needs them?

7. Comment: Incentives to bring cycling to work to the masses

8. 2pure merges with Chocolate Distribution

9. Cube announces 2013 preview show in a bowling alley

10. Mystery Shopper at the London Olympics

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In other news...

Chicken CycleKit announces two new area managers

Chicken CycleKit has announced the addition of a new area manager and new Scotland/Ireland area …