Check out the BikeBiz Jobs Board today

Time for a career move?

Looking for a fresh challenge in the cycling industry? Then take a look at the BikeBiz Jobs Board, where you can find positions ranging from marketing execs at leading distributors, to store managers, mechanics and senior sales supervisors.

The BikeBiz job spotlight this week highlights a position for a marketing executive at Fisher Outdoor Leisure. Based at Fisher’s HQ in St Albans, Hertfordshire, the marketing executive will be responsible for the support and delivery of all marketing activities within the Fisher Outdoor Leisure marketing plan.

The position requires the successful applicant to deliver all PR, sponsorship, advertising and event strategies, whilst giving added value to relevant trade marketing activities.

Find out more here.

Elsewhere on the BikeBiz Jobs Board, there’s a selection of retail positions, including Mechanics, Sales Assistants, Store Managers and Workshop Managers. Find out more here.

If you would like to advertise your job position on the BikeBiz Jobs Board, contact

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